AG WPJA 國際認證



AG|WPJA 全球藝術婚禮攝影師協會認證

螢幕快照 2014-09-23 上午8.43.43


婚禮攝影記者協會股份公司藝術協會 AG | WPJA是由優秀的婚禮攝影師,誰在婚紗攝影行業的前列,當談到增強圖像。該公司的主要目標 AG| WPJA是為會員提供一個平台,讓最優秀的增強,操縱和/或在世界藝術婚紗攝影新聞被關注和推廣為新娘和新郎。

AG| WPJA是婚慶攝影記者協會(WPJA)的一個獨立部門。而WPJA堅持,禁止過度的圖片操作,該公司嚴格指引| WPJA鼓勵和促進創造性的圖像增強,與推動美術婚禮攝影記者的眼光。

AG| WPJA確立和堅持這是在為我們的婚禮攝影比賽評審過程考慮的高水準。利用一切藝術手段在他們的處置,成員巧妙地活躍在後期製作處理自己的工作。

Artistic Wedding Photojournalism

The Artistic Guild of the Wedding Photojournalist Association is a distinct division within the Wedding Photojournalist Association (WPJA). The AG|WPJA focuses strictly on the artistic and “fine art” aspects of wedding photojournalism.

Over the years, the WPJA has embraced unbridled artistic expression in wedding photojournalism. This has transpired since early 2002 through contest categories, such as Digital Manipulation and Enhanced Images, designed especially for such photographs. The Artistic Guild comes as a response to an expressed need from members, judges, as well as brides and grooms–the desire for the WPJA to create a new platform specifically for Artistic Wedding Photojournalism.

AG|WPJA members are international wedding photojournalists, who excel both in creating outstanding images through a documentary approach, and in the art of post-production processing of wedding photographs. In a nutshell, AG|WPJA photographers take great candid pictures, enhance them using the technology available, and deliver museum-quality images from your wedding day.



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